

在醫療上,根據empathic communication coding system (ECCS) 的評分方式,可以將治療師(醫師)的回應等級分為6個層級

ECCS 同理回應等級表

levels description explanation example
level 0 denial Physician either ignores the patient’s empathic opportunity or makes a disconfirming statement. “Do you have any other medical problems?”
level 1 Perfunctory Recognition Physician gives an automatic, scripted-type response, giving the empathic opportunity minimal recognition “Hmm”
level 2 Implicit recognition Physician does not explicitly recognize the central issue in the empathic opportunity but focuses on a peripheral aspect of the statement and changes the topic. “Do you only have trouble with liquids during mealtimes?”
level 3 Acknowledgement Physician explicitly acknowledges the central issue in the empathic opportunity but does not pursue the topic. “We’re gonna do our best.”
level 4 Acknowledgement with pursuit Physician explicitly acknowledges the central issue in the empathic opportunity and pursues the topic with the patient by asking the patient a question, offering advice or support, or elaborating on a point the patient has raised. “We want to do everything we can to get you back to where you can have a good quality of life. Tell me more about this swallowing problem”
level 5 Confirmation Physician conveys to the patient that the expressed emotion, progress, or challenge is legitimate. “I know it can be hard, but we’ll try to get to the bottom of this and get you better!”
level 6 Shared feeling/experience Physician self-discloses, making an explicit statement that he or she either shares the patient’s emotion or has had a similar experience, challenge, or progress. “I love to cook and eat, as well. I understand how difficult that might be.”

從說明來看,ECCS的同理回應等級4以前是針對病人的central issue的回應內容不同而區分。然而,ECCS在評分同理回應等級之前要先辨識同理機會(empathic opportunity),它指的是病人明確地表達出情緒,或是病情的進展、挑戰對生活的影響。然而在ECCS論文當中的說明對於central issue並沒有說明,所舉的例子則通常是疾病造成的某個困難(例如在上表的例子中是吞嚥困難)。換句話說,病情的進展、挑戰對生活的影響相較於情緒,可能是更接近作者心中的central issue。


Carkhuff empathy scale

而在心理治療或是心理諮商的領域,根據Carkhuff (1969)將治療師與個案間溝通的同理層級分作5級(但在同作者不同年代的書籍、論文,這個級數似乎都有所調整)。層級越高,治療師需要對於個案需要有更全面、正確的瞭解

Carkhuff 同理回應等級表

levels description content
level 1 有在聽 the first person does everything but express that he is listening, understanding, or being sensitive to even the feelings of the other person in such a way as to detract significantly from the communications of the second person.
level 2 嘗試回應但未針對表達的問題 the first person tends to respond to other than what the second person is expressing or indicating
level 3 不多不少,針對表面透露的問題回應 the first person is responding so as to neither subtract from nor add to the expressions of the second person; but he does not respond accurately to how that person really feels beneath the surface feelings. Level 3 constitutes the minimal level of facilitative interpersonal functioning.
level 4 回應包含了表面透露訊息背後的深層感受以及意義 the facilitator's responses add deeper feeling and meaning to the expressions of the second person.
level 5 回應包含了對被同理者的深層感受有全面且正確的理解 the facilitator is responding with a full awareness of who the other person is and a comprehensive and accurate empathic understanding of his deepest feelings.





OT 領域的同理層級


  1. 第零層,無同理。
    • 忽略病人透露的同理線索而改變話題或是直接否定病人所透露的同理線索。
  2. 第一層,「專心傾聽」
    • 僅表現出願意理解病人或是表現出專心傾聽的行爲,但對於病人所言最多只有表示聽到了、理解、懂了、恩…等附和。並未有進一步的回應
  3. 第二層,「僅針對線索內容回應」
    • 僅針對病人所透露的線索給予回應,並未照顧到該線索所隱含、衍生的意義。
    • 例如:病人覺得痛,就只針對痛回應。而痛對於生活的影響、誘發的情緒則不回應。
  4. 第三層,「更深入理解意義或重要性」
    • 除了對於對於同理線索的表面內容理解並給予回應外,進一步追問與理解同理線索發生的原因與意義。對於被同理者所透露的訊息,表示願意理解,且想要瞭解更多。但未對同理線索發生的原因與意義做出回應。
    • 例如:病人覺得痛,進一步詢問疼痛對於睡覺、情緒的影響。
  5. 第四層,「全面性回應」
    • 除了對於對於同理線索的表面內容理解並給予回應外,同時也對於線索發生的原因、意義給予回應。
    • 例如:病人覺得痛,進一步詢問疼痛對於睡覺、情緒的影響。並對於病人所迴饋的睡覺、情緒的影響給予回應。

